Wednesday, February 4, 2009


(My brother and I in Vegas over winter break...nothing to do with the following post, I just really like this picture)

So I'm going to start this entry with some ranting. I had written this HUGE loooong and (what I thought was) witty entry on the plane but because there is no internet on the plane, I just kept the window open and planned on publishing the post once I found wifi again. 

But alas, I accidentally quit out of Safari (for you non-Mac users, thats the internet explorer) without thinking and my long and painstakingly written post is gone. :(


So the flight was pretty uneventful. I was pretty excited at first because the seat in between me and the woman in the window seat was unoccupied. However, the woman managed to ruin that sweet feeling of bliss when she started talking and refused to stop. I wouldn't have minded a short and polite conversation at all, but this woman WOULD NOT STOP TALKING! She couldn't take any of the conventional cues (not asking questions in return, smiling and turning away, etc...) Even worse, she seemed completely entranced by the fact that I was asian. The topic of the entire conversation was about me being asian. Strange, huh? Maybe she's never seen one before. And she started this conversation right when I was getting into a "The Real Housewives of Orange County" marathon. 

Once we landed, I promptly hauled ass from the plane and proceeded to baggage claim and checked in with Super Shuttle. This was the first time I've used the service, and I probably won't use it anytime soon. I waited almost an hour just for the shuttle to arrive. Once it did we drove around the entire airport to pick up people at every other terminal. Finally once we made our way toward Manhattan, I, being downtown, was of course the last stop. Oh the horror. 

But it was all worth it. I'm sitting back in Coral again (that's the name of my dorm). Although I'm not in my room, I'm sitting in the common room of my friends' suite. I'll be blogging from their couch for the next couple of days! Until next time, goodnight! 

p.s. I'm going to try to take some pictures of all my favorite places in the city and post them in the next few show everybody and also just for my own selfish reasons. I want to remember the city once I start missing home in Shanghai. 

p.p.s. I'm also trying to get my Skype account set up before I leave. If any of you have an account with them be sure to add me! I'm "jsong33"

1 comment:

  1. omg you should use livejournal, there is an autosave/restore function.
    ps you should post that cutesies picture of us in central park <3
