Anyways, Thursdays are by far the worst days here in Shanghai. For me, classes start at 10 am and go until 8pm, with just about an hour break in between each class (there are three classes). Ugh. Right now, I'm in between Cultural Currencies (a philosophy-esque class comparing western and chinese thought) and Law & Society.
This coming week is our first study break and it couldn't come sooner! NYU has arranged trips to several places. I am going to Guanxi and then when we come back I'll be going to Nanjing with some other people.
LALALALALALalalalALLAalalaLAlALAlALaala SO excited!
It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if Thursdays stopped existing...
I had too much homework last night so Tiffany and I decided to go to the nearest Starbucks (there are probably at least five within a ten minute walking distance from my apartment) to do it. Something about that place just gets the brain waves flowing. Maybe its the familiarity of the smell. Or the green aprons. I don't know, but I just can't get enough of it. Anyways, right outside of the Starbucks is this courtyard type place and usually there are just people hanging out but last night there was a whole pack of old people doing tai-cheeeee to Gwen Stefani. "This shit is bananas B A N A N A S!..." Hilarious, no? And while doing my homework a couple came in. The man was white and the woman was Chinese. They had this cute little kid and he spoke PERFECT chinese.
I guess this place really is becoming an international city....
On another note, I need to start planning my summer. Things like that stress me out. They probably have some sort of herb for that here.